An introduction to adoption in Ohio

by | Mar 21, 2019 | Firm News

If your heart and home are open to adopt a child, both of you could gain the priceless gift of family. Every state has different adoption laws and knowing them could be the key to your success.

What are common adoption myths?

Many people misunderstand the reality of adoption. Movies and television shows provide misinformation or situations that do not apply in other states. Here are some truths behind common adoption myths:

  1. Only married couples can realistically adopt: In Ohio, any unmarried single adult, married couple or married person without their partner is eligible to adopt. Married people who are filing without their partner are eligible if they are legally separated, if the court cannot locate the other spouse or if the other spouse is the adoptee’s parent and supports the adoption.
  2. Only straight/heterosexual couples can adopt: After the Supreme Court granted same-sex marriages equal legal protections, they can file to adopt jointly or as an individual under the same circumstances as above. Single LGBT+ people can also adopt.
  3. You can single-handedly adopt a child up to 18 years old: Children older than 12 must consent to the adoption. This helps to build happy, stable families, especially in the troublesome teenage years. it also recognizes and empowers children’s autonomy.

What will you need to adopt a child?

A domestic adoption is generally easier than international adoption. The following are things you will need to complete before you can adopt:

  • An application: You will need to submit your application with any associated fees to an adoption agency of your choice
  • Pre-service training: You will need to complete adoption training before you can complete your home study. If you have already adopted in the past, you may be able to waive the training.
  • A home study: You will need to submit a request for a home study within thirty days of your application. A person from a public agency will come to look at your home for a lower cost than someone from a private agency. This will include many different forms of paperwork.

The adoption process can seem long and expensive. If you are determined to adopt, however, the process will be worth it once your whole family is finally home.